You know certainly what I want to say there: you go for the first time to a place, and you are invaded by a strange plenitude, a sensation of well-being, as if had always known this place, as if this place has always been your home.
That is what I feel with this photo. This one is the second poster that the N-Core store - through the delicious persons that are Nuria Augapfel and Claire Messenger - commanded me. More than a commission work, it is a real meeting and the immense pride and the honor to have been contacted to realize these two posters. N-Core is the store where I bought my first pair of heels with prim-feet and stay over the years my preferred, because their shoes are always ultra-feminine, but also because I can bought the same in the real stores. The proportions are always perfect such as textures, sculpts are always impeccable.
You know certainly that N-Core, it is as well a clothing line, so feminine and glamours as their shoes. The blouse which I wear is a perfect example; see the details of the knot and the bottom!Look at these adorable braces, which fall nonchalantly on shoulders: so cute and pretty.
Well, I think it's now time for the credits, isn't it ?
Feathers : Pididdle - FeatherExtensions
Shorts : League Frayed Denim Shorts - Umber