jeudi 30 décembre 2010

Waiting for my Charming Prince

The skin i'm wearing on this picture is a gift from Curio Gala Phoenix for Christmas: a special edition of his latest creation, the skin: GP: Ice Queen Happy Holidays.
This special Christmas edition includes 5 shades of skin, declined with or without freckles.
I could not resist any longer to put on my most beautiful ballroom dress for the occasion and take a picture.
And as if that were not enough, Etana Vella (From The Curio CSR) has also offered through the group Curio, a Snowflake Blush.

Hair: Bonnie Truth
Skin: :Curio: Happy Holidays from Gala <3 :Curio:
Dress and hair pin: *Evie's Closet* - Melusine - Obsidian Evie's Closet